3D Graphing Calculator

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A 3D graphing calculator that plots a parametric surface x(u,v,t), y(u,v,t), z(u,v,t) with color(u,v,t). u and v are the surface parameters, and t is a time variable in seconds. x, y and z are the coordinates of the surface patch, and color is the color.

Expressions behave like you expect them to. Colors are specified by constructors of the form "colorspace(v1, v2, v3)". the allowed colorspaces are rgb and hcl. Examples: rgb(u, v, 0); hcl(2 * u * pi, 30, 50); rgb(sin(t), cos(t), 1).

The notable feature of this graphing calculator is that the expressions are dynamically translated into Shade expressions, which are then compiled into WebGL: the entire evaluation of the surface is done on the GPU.

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