Lesson 6: Lighting

ambient component
diffuse component

When we look at an object in real life, all of what we perceive from it comes from some light bouncing off of the object and reaching our eyes. It should come as no surprise, then, that a very large amount of generating realistic computer imagery comes from modelling the behavior of light appropriately. In this lesson, you will learn how to use two of the most basic lighting approaches, namely ambient sources, and completely diffuse, non-attenuating point lights. Even though computer graphics has existed for mor than 50 years now, new lighting algorithms are still being actively developed! These Lux tutorials won't even scratch the surface of what's possible.

One property of physical light which is essentially always explored in lighting algorithms is linearity. The physical effects of multiple lights combine additively: the total effect produced by two lights is the equal to the sum of the effects of each light. This lets us design lighting algorithms one-light-at-a-time, and then add all the contributions in the end. Note that this does not mean that we perceive a light that is twice as powerful being twice as bright (even the most simplistic model says differently), but rather that photons don't generally interact with one another.

Ambient sources: No light, no images

As mentioned above, all we can perceive is light. This means that if there's no light shining on the surface, it will appear to be pitch black. For a computer-generated image, a completely black image is rarely what you are going for, and so typically surface lighting algorithms start with a basic assumption that there is a small, constant amount of light reaching every possible surface point at every possible angle. This is what computer graphics folks call an ambient light source. Such a light source is completely impossible in real life, but is very convenient computationally.

For today's lesson, we will assume that the appearance of a material is completely determined by what we call the "material color", an RGB triple which tells us how much this material reacts to red, green and blue light, respectively.

Now, recall that light behaves linearly. If we assume that each photon comes with a specific color, (which is pretty close to what happens in physics), that photons are either red, green or blue (which is not that close to what happens in physics), and that light of a mixed color consists of a mixture of pure colors (which is close to what happens in physics), then linearity across light colors means can compute the amount of outgoing light one channel at a time, and combine the result. We will encode the ambient light source intensity by another RGB triple, this time representing the amount of red, green and blue light being emitted. In addition, linearity inside each channel means that a red light source that's twice as powerful generates twice as much light bouncing off any material. Putting these observations together gives us the formula for ambient light sources:

TL;DR: the contribution of the ambient light source is the component-wise product of the material color and the light color.

var ambient_light = Shade.Light.ambient({ 
    color: Shade.vec(1,1,1).mul(ambient_parameter)
// excerpt from Shade.Light.ambient:
Shade.Light.ambient = function(light_opts)
    // ...
    return function(material_opts) {
        // ...
        return material_opts.color.mul(color);

Diffuse light sources: some directions look brighter than others

TL;DR: the contribution of the diffuse light source is the component-wise product of the material color and the light color, multiplied by the negative of the dot product of the surface normal and the incident light direction.

Putting it all together

Lux.actor({model: model, 
    appearance: {
        position: camera(cube_model_mat)(model.vertex),
        color: ambient_light(material_opts)

Addendum: Slider interaction

Lux makes it easy for you to create simple interactive HTML sliders which correspond to a specific parameter. This is done by calling Lux.UI.parameter_slider:

<!-- in your HTML; jquery UI is required (and included in the Lux distribution) -->
  <link type="text/css" href="/lib/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" />
  <script src="lib/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js"></script>
  .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle { 
      /* ... */
      /* look at the source of this HTML file for concrete examples */
  .slider-div {
      /* ... */
      /* look at the source of this HTML file for concrete examples */
     margin-right: 18px;
  <div><div class="slider-div" id="ambient"></div>ambient</div>
// in your JS
var ambient_parameter = Shade.parameter("float", 0.3);
    parameter: ambient_parameter,
    element: "#ambient",
    min: 0,
    max: 1

View the full source.

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